Erase Wine Stains From Tory Burch Clothes in No Time
If you love your Tory Burch clothes, learn how to effectively remove wine stains from them with these helpful tips!
Updated 14 Feb 2023
By Matej Kramberger

Whether you’ve just had a fabulous dinner party or have spilled a glass of red wine onto your favorite pair of trousers, don’t panic! It’s more than possible to clean your Tory Burch gear and get them looking like new again. Let’s take a look at what the best course of action is for removing pesky wine stains. The first step is to determine fabric type of your item of clothing. Different fabrics require different treatments, so this is essential. The most common fabrics used for Tory Burch clothes are polyester and cotton, but be sure to double-check. If the material is polyester, then you should immediately pour cold water onto the stain, as hot water may cause it to settle deeper into the fabric. Gently dab the area until the Water has absorbed all of the wine. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this will push the stain further. When dealing with a cotton fabric, however, use white wine vinegar instead of cold water. Pour a little onto a cloth and then dab stained area gently. Keep dabbing and blotting area until the vinegar has absorbed all of the Wine. Once you’ve managed to get rid of the wine, you need to focus on restoring the garment. To do this, you can use detergent and a soft-bristled brush to work it into the fabric. Leave the detergent to sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. For severely set-in stains, consider using a spot remover. There are plenty available on the market that contain enzymes, which can break down wine stains, making them much easier to erase. Finally, if you’ve followed all of steps above and still can’t get your item of clothing back to its original state, it’s probably best to take it to a dry cleaner. They’ll know exactly what methods to use and can save you a great deal of time and effort.