What You'll Need

  • Salt/baking soda
  • White wine vinegar
  • Cold water
  • Laundry detergent
  • Oxygen bleach
  • Clean cloth

Step 1: Test the Fabric for Color Fastness

Before attempting to treat any stain, it is essential to test the fabric for color fastness. You don't want to risk damaging the material while trying to clean it. To do this, mix a few drops of white wine vinegar with cold water and dip a clean cloth into the mixture. Rub it against an inconspicuous area on the fabric and wait a few minutes. If the color remains unchanged, then you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Blot Stain

Once you've tested the fabric for colorfastness, use a clean cloth to blot away as much of the wine as possible. Work from the outside in, so that you don't spread the stain further. Avoid rubbing the material, as this may fix the stain even more firmly in place.

Step 3: Apply White Wine Vinegar and Salt

Mix equal parts of white wine vinegar and salt to form a paste. Spread the paste generously onto the stained area and allow it to rest for 15 minutes. This will help break down the tannins and other compounds in the wine that form the stain.

Step 4: Rinse With Cold Water

Once the paste has had a chance to rest, rinse with cold water. Use a clean cloth to gently scrub away any remaining residue. Repeat this step until there is no trace of the paste on the fabric.

Step 5: Wash as Usual

Once the stain is gone, wash the garment normally using laundry detergent and oxygen bleach. Giving the fabric an extra rinse cycle will also help ensure that all the remnants of the white wine stain are gone.