Handbags get the job done—holding our stuff, accessorizing our outfits, and generally making life easier. Unfortunately, they can be easily subjected to tree sap stains, which leaves them looking dull, discolored, and tacky. Luckily, you don’t have to separate from your favorite handbag just yet. Here is a guide for how to remove tree sap stains from your handbags and make them look as good as new!
Updated 11 Mar 2023
By Nishat Asif
You will need: rubbing alcohol, a soft cloth, toothpaste, baking soda, a clean cloth, and a hair dryer.
Use a clean, soft cloth and some rubbing alcohol to remove as much of the excess sap as possible. Rub around the stained area gently until most of the sap is off the bag.
Mix an equal part of toothpaste and baking soda to form a paste. Rub the paste over sap-stained area in a circular motion. Make sure to rub gently. Leave it on the bag for a few minutes and wipe it away with a damp cloth.
Use a clean cloth and a hair dryer set to the medium heat setting to dry the stain area. This will help to remove any remaining sap residue. Keep cloth moving to avoid damaging the bag with too much heat.
Once the area is completely dry, you should apply a leather protector to the bag. This will help to keep any future sap stain from seeping into the leather of your bag. It will also help to keep your bag looking great for a longer period of time.
If your handbag has been subjected to tree sap stains, follow these steps to get it back to its former glory. All you need are some basic items, like rubbing alcohol, baking soda, and a hair dryer, and you'll be able to make your handbag look brand new again.
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