Cleaning Toothpaste Stains Off Your Beloved Dresses Easily

Accidents happen and spills happen, but this doesn’t mean you need to throw away the things you love. Cleaning toothpaste off of clothing can be tricky, but with a few easy steps, you can be on your way to restoring your favorite dresses.

Updated 06 Mar 2023

By Luke Smith

berry What You'll Need:
  • a bowl of lukewarm water
  • non-abrasive laundry detergent
  • clean white towel
  • white cotton cloth
  • stain remover (optional)
  1. As soon as possible after accident happens, submerge the fabric in the bowl of lukewarm water. You want to avoid hot or cold water, because either one can cause stain to set in further. Let the fabric soak for 15-20 minutes.
  2. If you have a liquid laundry detergent, add a couple of drops of it to the water, and swish it around until it dissolves. If you don’t have laundry detergent, use a soapy solution created from a mild soap such as hand soap.
  3. After the soaking is done, place the fabric between the two clean white towels, and press firmly on the top towel to absorb excess moisture. Don’t rub fabric since that could make the stain worse.
  4. Flip the fabric over and repeat the process of soaking, detergent, and blotting until stain has been reduced.
  5. If the stain still hasn’t been removed, try dabbing it with a bit of rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide mixed with a teaspoon of water, using a white cotton cloth. Be sure to spot test any method you use on a small area of the garment first.
  6. After stain is gone, rinse off the fabric in cold water and let it air dry.

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