WikiLaundry > Stains > Tar > Sweatshirts

4 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Tar Stains from Sweatshirts

Nothing spoils a comfy sweatshirt like an accidental tar stain! Luckily, you don't have to throw it away just yet – these steps will help you get rid of the mess without too much hassle.

Updated 23 Jun 2023

By Luke Smith


Step 1: Scoop off as Much Tar as Possible

The best way to start is by scooping off as much of the tar/tar-like material as possible. If stain is fresh, you can use a plastic spoon or butter knife – if you're dealing with an old or dried-in stain, use something with a little more scraping power, like a brush or a dull knife.

Step 2: Apply an Oil-Based Cleaner

Once you’ve got off as much of the tar and debris as you can, it’s time to attack stain itself. Make sure you apply the cleaner to a damp cloth or sponge so that fabric isn’t damaged in any way. Let the cleaner sit for several minutes, and then gently rub it in circular motions to break up the tar and dissolve it.

Step 3: Use Degreaser to Cut Through the Grease

If an oil-based cleaner doesn't lead to satisfactory results, you may have to resort to degreaser. It’s important to note that degreasers are very strong, so you have to be careful when using them. It’s also important to test them out on an area of the sweatshirt that won’t show so as not to discolor the garment.

Step 4: Launder According to Label Recommendations

After the degreaser is applied and the stain is gone (or nearly gone), it's time to launder the garment according to instructions on the label. This often involves a cold water wash with a mild detergent, then air drying the item.


Accidents happen – but now, you know that tar stains on a sweatshirt don't have to be the end of the world. If you follow the steps outlined above, you'll be able to keep your item clean and undamaged.

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