Get Rid of Sparkling Wine Stains on Your Wrap Dress

No one enjoys the dreaded stains on their clothes; whether it's from ketchup, coffee, or a spilled glass of wine. Instead of pulling out your big and bulky washing machine, try some simple methods with household items to remove those pesky spots.

Updated 21 Feb 2023

By Cyryl Wozniak


Using White Vinegar & Baking Soda

White vinegar and baking soda is a great combination for tackling stains. Create a paste by mixing 3 parts vinegar with 1 part baking soda. Rub the paste onto the stained area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wash the dress in the laundry machine as usual. The stain should be gone!

Using Saltwater & Soap

This method works best on fresh stains. Immediately rinse the dress with cool water and then soak it in saltwater for 15 minutes. In separate bowl, mix together a few drops of liquid detergent with warm water. Take out the dress from saltwater and submerge it into the soapy mixture for another 10 minutes. Rinse the dress with cold water, and then hang it dry.

Using Ice Cubes

Put a few ice cubes into a sealed plastic bag and place it directly over the stain. Continue placing the bag over the stain until the stain lifts up. You may need to re-freeze the ice several times. Gently blot the area with a clean cloth to remove the remaining stain.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide & Dishwashing Liquid

Create a mixture of 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and 2 drops of liquid dishwashing soap. Soak the dress into solution for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Hang the dress up to dry. This helps to break down and remove tough wine stains.

Using Ammonia

Mix ammonia with water to make a solution that is 1 part ammonia and 8 parts water. Place a sheet of white paper behind the stain and use an eyedropper to apply solution to the top layer of the stain. Be careful not to soak the fabric. Let it sit for a few minutes and blot with a paper towel. Rinse fabric with cold water and hang to dry.

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