The Sparkling Solution: How to Easily Erase Sparkling Wine Stains from Traditional Clothing
Need to remove evidence of a bubbly celebration? You don't need to worry - this article will help you easily and efficiently remove sparkling wine stains from traditional clothing!
Updated 21 Feb 2023
By Cyryl Wozniak

Accidents happen, and sometimes that glass of champagne or sparkling wine spills onto your clothing during a special celebration. Whether you have a white cotton blouse, a red lace dress, or a pastel blue suit, you can save these garments with a few simple steps. Here’s what you need to do to banish those pesky wine stains:
Step One: Act Immediately
Time is of the essence, so it’s important to act quickly. As soon as wine spills on your clothing, blot it with a paper towel to soak up as much of the liquid as you can. Don’t rub or scrub the area - this will only cause the stain to set and become harder to remove.
Step Two: Soak The Stain
After blotting the area, immediately fill a sink or container with cold water. Next, add a teaspoon of white vinegar to the water and submerge stained garment. Allow it to soak for at least two hours before moving onto the next step.
Step Three: Apply Soap Directly To The Stain
Once the garment has been soaked, use your fingers to gently massage a few drops of laundry detergent into the stained area. Make sure to work the soap in carefully, but not too hard.
Step Four: Allow It To Dry
Lastly, lay the garment flat to dry, on top of a clean, dry towel. If possible, avoid hanging the garment out to dry. This might cause stain to set and be harder to remove. You can now enjoy the party knowing that your traditional clothing is safe. After following these steps, your beloved garments should be looking good as new and ready to be worn again!