Get Rid of Sparkling Wine Stains on Your Earplugs in No Time!
Accidentally spilling sparkling wine on your earplugs can be a major headache. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of the stains quickly and easily.
Updated 21 Feb 2023
By Brane Lukman

No matter how careful we are, accidents can happen at any time! If you’ve recently managed to spill some sparkling wine on your earplugs, you may be at a loss for how to handle the situation. Don't worry - all is not lost! This guide has you covered. The key to successfully removing sparkling wine stains from earplugs is to act quickly. Here's what you need to do:
- Begin by gently wiping away any excess liquid with a soft cloth.
- Next, mix a solution of equal parts mild dish soap and cold water. Dip a toothbrush into the solution and use it to scrub the stained area.
- Then, use a clean damp cloth to rinse away soap. Be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly.
- If the stain remains, try using a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Dip a cotton swab in the hydrogen peroxide and use it to dab the stain. Let sit for a few minutes, then rinse with a damp cloth.
- Finally, allow the earplugs to air dry completely.
With these simple steps, you can quickly and easily remove sparkling wine stains from your earplugs and keep them looking good as new.