Keep Your Shearling Clean and Fresh - How to Clean Perspiration Stains Quickly and Easily
Nobody wants to walk around with a sweaty, uncomfortable shearling. Get rid of perspiration stains quickly to keep your shearling looking and smelling great.
Updated 26 Jun 2023
By Noemi Denker

With so many unpredictable weather patterns these days, it can be hard to prepare for any season. Even if you’ve stocked up on the most breathable fabrics, you’re bound to find yourself sweating through your clothes at some point or another. If you’ve invested in a shearling jacket, you may have encountered some serious sweat stains that don’t go away with normal washing. Fear not – here is a guide to cleaning perspiration stains from your shearling jacket. The first step to removing perspiration stains is to identify type of leather the jacket is made of. The best way to do this is by looking at the care label or Product Information tag usually found on the inside of the jacket. Different types of leather are treated differently and you’ll need to use the correct cleaning solution for your specific type of leather. Once you’ve identified the material, the next step is to remove surface sweat and dirt from jacket. This is easily done with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. Rub the cloth in small circles over the affected area until you’ve removed as much of the surface dirt as possible. For stubborn stains, try applying a cleaner specifically made for leather. Follow the instructions on the bottle carefully and never apply a cleaner directly onto shearling unless instructed. If you’ve done all of the aforementioned steps with no luck, then you’ll need to take the jacket to a leather specialist for proper treatment. A professional will be able to get rid of sweat stains and dirt that just won’t budge. Remember, prevention is often better than cure. If you don’t want to be dealing with sweat-related stains in the future, try investing in an anti-perspirant that doesn’t contain aluminium chloride. This active ingredient is known to corrode leather and weaken its fibres.