We all love our favorite handbags and we will go to any lengths to keep them looking perfect. But the natural wear-and-tear of everyday life quickly shows up with inevitable paint stains on our beloved accessories. If you’ve ever been in this situation, never fear – help is at hand! We’re here to offer a few tips on how to get those paint stains off your handbag with ease.
Updated 22 Jun 2023
By Jacobim Mugabe
Leather handbags require the most delicate treatment when it comes to removing paint stains. As with all of these suggestions, be sure to spot-test any cleaner or method you're using on an inconspicuous area of the bag before proceeding.
Canvas bags are a bit more lenient when it comes to cleaning. Again, spot-test any cleaning method and proceed with caution!
Stale paint stains can be a real nightmare to clean, but not impossible. For both leather and canvas bags, you’ll need to use a specialized paint remover. Make sure one you use is designed for the particular material of your bag. Be sure to read the instructions and use paint remover in a well-ventilated area.
Once you’ve applied the paint remover, scrub the stain gently with a soft brush or cloth. Depending on the severity of stain, you might need to repeat this step several time.
Once the stain has been removed, use damp cloth to thoroughly wipe the paint remover off the bag.
Finally, protect the leather or canvas with a conditioner or protector, as per manufacturer's instructions.
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