WikiLaundry > Stains > Mustard > Handbags

Make Mustard Stains A Thing Of The Past With This Handbag Cleaning Guide

Mustard stains on your handbag can cause embarrassment and add years of wear to its look. Even the toughest mustard stains can be removed with a few tricks and the right cleaning supplies! Read on to learn how to get rid of mustard stains on your favorite handbag.

Updated 28 Feb 2023

By Matej Kramberger


Removing Fresh Mustard Stains

The best way to get mustard stains out of a handbag is to act fast. As soon as you notice stain, take a paper towel and carefully dab the area to remove any excess mustard.

Next, mix together warm water and a few drops of mild detergent in a bowl. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and work it into the stained area of the handbag. Make sure not to rub too hard and be careful not to saturate the material too much.

If the stain still isn't fading after on application of soapy water, repeat the process a few more times until the stain is gone. Once finished, rinse the area thoroughly with cool water and use a clean, dry cloth to gently pat the area dry.

Removing Dried Mustard Stains

If the mustard stain has already dried on your handbag, don't panic. Add a few drops of rubbing alcohol onto the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. After that, use a clean cloth and wipe the area in a circular motion.

If the stain still hasn't budged, try using a cloth dampened in white vinegar and water mixture. Gently rub the area until the stain starts to fade or disappears. Once finished, rinse the area with a cloth dampened in cool water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

In some cases, commercial stain-remover solutions may be required to fully remove stain. Spot-test the cleaner on a small, hidden area on the handbag first to make sure it doesn't damage the material. Once you've tested it, carefully apply it to the stained area according to the instructions.

Tips & Warnings

  • Always spot-test products before applying them to entire stain.
  • Use a leather conditioner when finished to restore softness and shine.
  • Avoid scrubbing vigorously at the stain as this can cause permanent damage to the handbag's material.

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