Eliminate Lipstick Stains from Your Grill Quickly and Easily
Tired of burnt-on lipstick stains on your grill? It is simple to get your grill looking like new again with a few basic cleaning supplies.
Updated 26 Jun 2023
By Peter Blackwood

Grilling is a summertime favorite for many, but when the party is over, you may be left with a stubborn mess. Lipstick stains can easily find their way onto your grill grates, resulting in a difficult cleanup when it cools. But don't worry! There are several options to consider when it comes to removing those pesky lipstick stains. The first option is soap and water. Simply wipe down the grill grates with a damp cloth and dish soap. This will help loosen any debris that may be sticking to the grates. For tougher stains, try scrubbing with a bristle brush. Don't use too much force, as it could damage the finish. Rinse the grates thoroughly when you're done to make sure no soap residue remains. Another method to clean grill grates is to soak them in white vinegar. Fill a bucket or container with enough vinegar to cover the grates, and let them sit for 30 minutes before scrubbing them with a brush. The acid in the vinegar should break up any stubborn lipstick stains. Be sure to rinse thoroughly after you're done. If these methods don't work, it may be time to try a commercial grill cleaner. These cleaners are typically in the form of a spray or paste, which you simply spray or rub onto the grates. Follow the instructions on product label for best results. Finally, you can always purchase a new set of grill grates if the lipstick stain is too difficult to remove. New grates will not only help keep your food tasting great, but they'll also make sure you don't have to worry about any lipstick remnants sticking around.