How to Get Rid of Insect Repellent Stains on White Tie
Insect repellent stains can make white ties look dirty and dingy. In this article, we’ll show you how to get rid of these stains.
Updated 04 Mar 2023
By Peter Blackwood

If you’ve ever sprayed insect repellent around your neck, you may have noticed a white or yellowish stain left on your white tie. Though it can be difficult to remove these stains, it is possible with the right method. The most important thing is to act quickly. As soon as you notice the stain, treat it with cold water. Do not use hot or warm water, as this will only set the stain and make it more difficult to remove. Next, use a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol to gently dab at the stained area. Work slowly and try to avoid rubbing too hard, as this could cause tie fabric to tear. Move in circular motions and keep adding more alcohol until the stain has been removed. If the alcohol isn’t working, you can try using white vinegar instead. Apply some vinegar to the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with cold water. Once the stain is gone, hang the tie up to dry. If the stain still won’t come off, you might want to try a specialized cleaning product designed for delicates. Spot-test the product on an inconspicuous area of the tie first and then if it appears safe, apply the cleaner to the stained area. Afterward, rinse with cold water and hang the tie up to air dry. Once the stain has been removed, you can prevent future problems by applying a stain repellant to your tie. This will protect the fabric from future staining so you don’t have to worry about cleaning it again.