WikiLaundry > Stains > Gravy > Coach

Gravy-Proofing Your Coach Bag: How to Easily Clean Gummy Gravy Stains

Spilled gravy on your beloved Coach bag? Don't fret – there are simple and effective ways to clean the stain and keep your bag looking spotless! Follow these steps to get the stain out quickly.

Updated 28 Jun 2023

By Luke Smith


What You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Dawn detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Soft cloth
  • Hair dryer

Steps to Remove Gravy Stains from Coach Bag

  1. Dab the stain with a cloth or sponge dampened with a mixture of equal parts Dawn detergent and white vinegar. The vinegar helps neutralize odors and break down the fat in the gravy. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain. The baking soda will help to absorb and draw out any remaining fat residue.
  3. Use a soft cloth to rub the baking soda into the stain. Keep rubbing until the stain is no longer visible.
  4. Put bag to one side and let it dry. To speed up process, you can use a hairdryer set to low.
  5. Once the bag is dry, check the area to make sure all traces of the stain are gone. If not, repeat the previous steps until the stain has completely disappeared.


With a few simple ingredients and steps, you can easily clean gravy stains from your Coach bag. Be sure to act quickly after spilling the gravy to prevent it from setting into the material. With regular maintenance and quick cleaning methods, you can ensure that your Coach bag looks great for years to come.

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