WikiLaundry > Stains > Eye shadow > Business suit

5 Tips for Removing Eyeshadow Stains from Business Suits

Having eyeshadow smudges all over your business suit is a total nightmare! But don't worry, you can easily get rid of them with the right cleaning supplies and a bit of elbow grease. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to remove eyeshadow stains from business suits.

Updated 24 Jun 2023

By Blaž Stančič


1. Start by Blotting the Stain

Using a clean cloth, gently blot at the eyeshadow stain until no more color transfers onto the cloth. When blotting, use a pressing motion to help absorb the eyeshadow pigment into the cloth instead of pushing it further into the fabric.

2. Use a Mild Detergent Solution

Mix a solution of mild detergent in lukewarm water. Dip a fresh cloth or sponge into the solution and gently rub the stain in a circular motion. Take care to not scrub too hard as this may weaken the fabric fibers. Once done, use a wet cloth to rinse off the detergent solution and then blot the area dry.

3. Apply Ammonia Solution

If the detergent solution did not completely remove the eyeshadow stain, mix equal parts of ammonia and water to create an ammonia solution. Use a cloth to apply the solution to stained area and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with water. Finally, blot area dry with a clean cloth.

4. Apply Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is also effective in removing eyeshadow stains from business suits. Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol directly onto stained area and let it sit for 20 minutes or so. Then, dab at the area with a clean cloth until the stain is gone. Finish by rinsing the area off with cold water and blotting it dry.

5. Take it to the Dry Cleaners

If all else fails, take your suit to a professional dry cleaner. A skilled cleaner will know the best way to remove the eyeshadow stain without damaging the fabric.

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