Make Dessert Wine Stains Disappear from Your Overalls with Ease
Have those pesky dessert wine stains been giving you a hard time to get rid of? We have some easy steps to help you clean them within no time.
Updated 22 Feb 2023
By Isabelle Trottier

No matter how careful you are, sometimes accidents happen. An accident like spilling a bottle of luscious dessert wine on your overalls can cause unsightly stains. If you’re wondering how to get rid of them, you’ve come to the right place. Cleaning dessert wine stains is actually really easy. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:
- First, dab up as much of the spilled liquid as possible using a paper towel.
- Next, fill a container with cold water and add a sprinkle of laundry detergent to it.
- Soak your overalls in the solution for at least half an hour.
- Remove overalls from the solution and rinse off any excess soap.
- Now put your overalls in the washing machine with the regular amount of detergent.
- Finally, hang your overalls outside to dry off naturally.
And that’s all there is to it! By following these simple steps, you can easily remove dessert wine stains from your overalls. Make sure to act fast, however, as sooner you start treating the stain, the better it will come out.