WikiLaundry > Stains > Crayon > Backpacks

How to Erase Crayon Stains from Backpacks Quickly and Easily

Crayon stains on backpacks don't have to be permanent - there are several easy and effective ways to get rid of them. So if your child has colored all over their bag, here's what you can do.

Updated 21 Jun 2023

By Mateuzs Kowalski


Using a Razor Blade

To start, lay the backpack flat on a sturdy surface. Place a piece of paper or cardboard underneath the stained area for protection, then take a razor blade (preferably a new one) and carefully scrape the crayon away. Be careful not to press too hard and make sure blade is always held at an angle. It may help to warm up the crayon with a hair dryer before scraping.

Using Dry Erase Markers

If you are dealing with smaller stains, another option is to use a dry erase marker. Simply color over the crayon marks with the dry erase marker, wait 30 seconds, then wipe it off with a damp cloth or tissue. If stain persists, repeat as necessary.

Using Baking Soda and Toothpaste

For thicker crayon marks, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with some white toothpaste and apply the paste to the stain. Rub it in with a cloth then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. This method is great for stubborn stains and works well on fabric backpacks.


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