Get Rid of Adhesive Tape Stains on Your Watch Quickly and Efficiently!
Do you have adhesive tape residue on your watch? Have no fear, this guide will show you the steps to easily clean off any adhesive residue from a watch in minutes.
Updated 20 Jun 2023
By Matej Kramberger

When you're dealing with an adhesive tape stain on your watch face, you want to get it off quickly and without damaging the watch surface. Fortunately, removing adhesive tape is an easy process that does not require much effort or special tools. All you need are a few household items to help you get job done fast.
Steps to Follow
- If possible, remove the battery from the watch.
- Mix a solution of one-part vinegar and two-parts warm water.
- Using a soft cloth or cotton swab, apply solution to the adhesive tape stains and gently rub.
- Once the adhesive tape starts to lift, use a toothbrush to further loosen the adhesive.
- Finally, rinse the face of watch with warm water and dry surface with a lint-free cloth.
What to Avoid
- Do not use solvent-based cleaners as they may damage watch surface.
- Do not use a scrub brush or anything else abrasive, as this may scratch the watch.
- Avoid using hot water to clean the watch, as this may cause the adhesive to harden further.
Tips for Removing Adhesive Tape Stains from a Watch
- Don’t leave the vinegar and water solution soaked on the watch face for too long.
- If the adhesive remains after cleaning, use rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover on a cotton swab and repeat the process.
- Replace the battery when finished.